Climate Change – despite some prominent naysayers – is happening.
Why should Christians be concerned about this? Because the Earth is ‘our common home’. It is our only home and has to be shared by everyone. Also, the regions most affected by Climate Change are often where the poorest communities live.
What can Christians do? All sorts of things! We can look at how we live our own lives and make some personal changes. We can join with others to take community actions – including lobbying our politicians to make sure they understand how much we care about the state of our planet.
Pope Francis’s encyclical :Laudato Si is an inspirational way to start delving into Climate Change more deeply and features prominently in our suggestions below for finding out more and doing more.
Join the Climate Action Group of the Commission.
This includes Commission members, Laudato Si animators and others who are interested and want to do more.
You are welcome to join in their meetings. Simply email and we will put you in touch with the group co-ordinator Trish Sandbach, Commission vice-chair.
Live Simply Award
Some of you may remember CAFOD’s Live Simply’ campaign from a few years ago.
Well, now you can work to make your parish a ‘Live Simply’ parish.
The Live Simply Award Scheme is a great way to involve all sorts of people in your parish to contribute through prayer, individual action and community action towards living in solidarity with the poor and taking better steps to care for our ‘common home’.
Click on the logo to find out more.
Download this booklet to read all the climate change articles in our newsletters from 2014 up to March 2024.
NB This PDF is designed to be printed on either A5 or A4 duplex printers with the PDF print set up set to ‘booklet’
James Martin SJ Summary of Laudato Si
Download our summary of the summary!
James Martin takes all of this at a fair pace.
To help you we have a download of a summary of his main points. This was prepared by Michael Emly from the CAFOD Group in Our Lady of Kirkstall parish in NW Leeds.
Need a good motif for your Climate change event??
Cathy Mc.Partlan has given permission for the free use of this image
CAFOD is not just about responding to disasters or feeding people in developing countries. An integral part of their work is advocating on behalf of the poor so that their stories can be heard.
CAFOD campaigns hard about Climate Change and how it impacts on poor people across the world.

see what resources CAFOD have for exploring these issues in your parish.