
The Evolution of Love @ SS John Fisher & Thomas More
Oct 19 @ 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
The Evolution of Love @ SS John Fisher & Thomas More
Our next Day of Reflection is about helping us to reflect on God’s Creation.
  • Creation-centred spirituality invites us to recognize our role within the ongoing evolution of the universe.
  • Do we see ourselves as planetary beings, the latest expression of God’s continuing creation story?
  • How can we nurture the flourishing of creation rather than its destruction?
  With insights from cosmology, theology and church teaching as well as workshops, the day offers an opportunity to deepen understanding, re-focus energies, generate hope and inspire shared action.  The Evolution of love  . . .  ‘Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces. The day will come when, after harnessing space, winds, the tide and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love.  And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered fire.’    Teilhard de Chardin   ALL are welcome and there is no charge to come to this event (but there will be a voluntary collection during the day). As with our other Days of Reflection, we ask people to bring some food for a shared lunch (nothing that needs to be cooked or heated up). These are usually a highlight and we have never yet had 20 quiches! Obviously, if you have dietary restrictions then this may not be possible. All we do ask is that you please book a place using our Eventbrite page for this event so that we can properly plan for both refreshments and any materials that we might need to have for the day. More Info & registration  
Hook Lecture 2024: Turning Key Moments into Movements for Change @ Leeds Minster
Oct 23 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Leeds Church Institute organise this lecture annually.

They always have interesting speakers. This year is no exception with the presentation being done by Richard Reddie, Director of Justice & Inclusion for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

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poster for event

CAFOD LiveSimply Award Scheme updates
Oct 28 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

This online (Zoom) event has been organised by the Northern Dioceses’ Environment Group (NDEG).

It is the second in their Autumn Zoom series of meetings. In this one, the CAFOD LiveSimply team will update everyone about the developments in the award scheme. There will also be the opportunity to hear practical advice about actually working towards the award and the opportunity to ask questions from the speakers.

This would be a useful opportunity for those who want to follow up on Bishop Marcus’ encouragement to parishes to consider working towards this award.

There will also be the opportunity to network with people on the Zoom from across the Northern Dioceses and find out what is happening not only in relation to LiveSimply but about other environmental actions that parishes and dioceses may be taking.

More Info & Registration
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Peace History and Museums – A Peace History Conference @ The Peace Museum, Salts Mill, Saltaire BD18 3LA
Nov 9 @ 10:00 am – 5:30 pm

This event is sponsored by the Peace Museum, the Movement for the Abolition of War and Yorkshire CND.

This all-day event (10 am – 5 pm) continues a series of Peace History Conferences that was initiated in 2007 and sponsored by the Movement for the Abolition of War (MAW). The conferences aim to help develop a culture of peace by raising awareness of individuals, movements, ideas and initiatives from all periods of history concerned with promoting peace, overcoming violence, and abolishing war.

conference poster

The day will be a combination of speakers about various peace-related topics – but also include some drama and a tour of the museum itself.

Tickets cost £10 (or £5 unwaged).

Use the button to find out more details and book tickets.

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NJPN Open Networking event in Leeds
Nov 16 @ 10:30 am – 3:30 pm

NJPN logoNJPN – The National Justice and Peace Network – for dioceses in England and Wales is holding an open networking day in Leeds and the Leeds Commission is hosting the event at Wheeler Hall, attached to Leeds Cathedral.

ALL are welcome to come along to this event. As the title implies, it is an opportunity to mix with and hear from justice and peace activists from across the country.

As well as the general opportunity to find out what is going on in J&P Commissions across the country, there will also be the opportunity to explore the issue of UK poverty – particularly in relation to the Real Living Wage.

Some details and speakers on the day are still to be announced. Use the button to see the latest information and to register to attend.

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Film Presentation: Where Olive Trees Weep
Nov 23 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

SPARK Social Justice, as in 2023, is sponsoring a presentation of one of the films for this year’s Leeds Palestinian Film festival.

This year they are sponsoring a film called ‘Where Olive Trees Weep’. The film brings to life the people that the filmmakers met in 2022 on a journey through the occupied West Bank.

film poster


For more information and to book tickets (£5 each) use the button to be taken to our Eventbrite page for this event.

More Info & Booking

Palestinian Film Festival Red Carpet Event
Nov 30 @ 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

We are partially sponsoring this Festival event, which takes place at Wheeler Hall on the afternoon of Saturday30 November.

men and women pushing a film projector on a stand

The Film festival committee write:

We were amazed and inspired to learn that not one, but two Film Festivals have taken place in the displacement camps of southern Gaza this year.

We bring you a selection of the best films screened at both festivals: Creators Despite Displacement – the Al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Film Festival marking its 7th year – and Al-Aouda Festival, in its 8th year.

With equipment frequently destroyed, many of the poignant films depicting perspectives and feelings on the current reality were shot on phones. Red carpets were rolled out among the tents and rubble.

We have secured inspiring interviews recorded specially for us with the Directors and audience members of the Festivals.

More Info & Booking