
The Problems with Corporate Courts in International Trade deals @ 7 arts
Jan 22 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
You what??? This is a talk by Dr Sally Brooks ,honorary fellow in the School for Business and Society, University of York. It has been organised by Global Justice Now. people demonstratingThese courts are a feature of a number of international trade deals. They can be problematic. For instance, fossil fuel companies are taking some countries to court for taking too much action to lessen the impact of Climate Change! So…whilst it might sound dry and uninteresting it is something that should be of interest to anyone who cares about international development.  

More Information

NJPN: Opening the Doors to Freedom from Human Trafficking
Feb 6 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

poster for eventThe first National Justice & Peace Network (NJPN) event of this Jubilee Year will take place on Thursday February 6th from 7pm – 8.30pm
The evening will be facilitated by Brian O’ Toole, who is a member of the National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN) Executive, (APT Ireland) and the Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking in Europe (RENATE) and Talitha Kum.

At this event you will learn a little more about the insidious issue of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in the UK and importantly what we can do as “Pilgrims of Hope” during this Jubilee Year to help victims of Human Trafficking as we shine a light on this important issue.

Use the button to register to attend and receive the link to join


The role of Nonviolent Direct Action in Social Change Movements @ Student Central
Feb 11 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Why block airports and throw soup? What is effective in moving parliament to end global heating?

Join the Commonweal Trust for an engaging and thought provoking talk and Q&A session exploring nonviolent direct action with Professor Rachel Julian and activists Mollie Somerville and Ludi Simpson.

Mollie and two others sitting in the National Gallery in front of a paintingMollie and Ludi are both in their seventies with grandchildren and professional careers behind them. They have been arrested multiple times in the past two years, after actions organised by Just Stop Oil, most recently throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers in the National Gallery. They say that they have caused minor disruption in order to draw attention to the harm to every living thing caused daily by fossil fuel corporations and the politicians they have bought. Mollie and Ludi travelled different journeys to their current campaigning, and are both involved in local community and environmental organisations.

Rachel Julian has been a peace and nonviolence activist and worker for over 30 years from peace camps and direct action to movement building and participatory research. She is currently a Professor of Peace Studies at Leeds Beckett University and trustee for Commonweal Collection, Peace Museum and Nonviolent Peaceforce. Rachel’s work focuses on the transformative power of nonviolence, the everyday activism in communities and the importance of people being heard in the struggle for peace and justice. She helps lead the international ‘Creating Safer Space’ project in which communities explain how they use nonviolence to reduce violence and improve safety across the world.

Gather Leeds Mini-Summit & Leeds Lent Prayer Diary Launch event @ Holy Trinity Church
Feb 25 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Every year the Leeds Christian Community Trust and Leeds Church Institute publish a ‘Lent Diary’ inviting everyone to pray for the intentions of a different organisation each day of Lent. SPARK Social Justice will have a stall at the launch event.

They write

poster for eventJoin us for an evening of discussion on how we can impact the city. With guest speakers, stalls from Leeds projects, and round table discussions. Hear the voices of Leeds and have your say.

Food will be provided from 6pm with time to browse the stalls, followed by speakers and discussion. (Food will be vegetarian, but please specify on registration if you have any further dietary requirements).

The 2025 Leeds Lent Prayer Diary will be available for purchase on the evening. If you would prefer to order your copy, this option will be available from February. Keep an eye out on here, the LCCT website, and social media channels for updates.

Tickets are free, but please REGISTER HERE to confirm numbers for catering.

Living Together in Hope – Sharing & Reflection about our ‘Common Home’
Feb 27 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

This is the first Zoom event for 2025 organised by the Northern Dioceses’ Environment Group.

Usually they provide a topic and keynote speaker with an opportunity for people from across the North of England to share what is going on in their area and find out what is going on elsewhere.

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope logoThis event will focus more on reflecting about where we find Hope – how does the theme of the 2025 Holy Year relate to how we care for our ‘Common Home’? What are own sources of Hope?

This online event will include, prayer, poetry,reflection and the opportunity to share something about what brings you Hope.

Use the button to register and receive the link.

More Info & Registration

Church Action on Poverty Sunday
Mar 2 all-day

collage of peopleMarch 2025 is Church Action on Poverty Sunday. Give, act and pray with others to help build a movement to end UK poverty – inspired by the powerful ‘Dreams and Realities’ art exhibition. Use the button to find out more and get hold of the resources to help you mark this Sunday.

More Information

Leeds Diocese Pax Christi Ash Wednesday Prayer Service
Mar 5 @ 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm

Since 1982, Christians have assembled on Ash Wednesday at the Ministry of Defence to pray for peace and a conversion of hearts and minds away from nuclear war preparations, the destruction caused by nuclear testing and the wasted resources that are invested in nuclear weapons and in all weapons.
Over those years services have been held in Liverpool and Glasgow and people from peace groups from different parts of the country have travelled to London.

This year 2025 the Leeds Diocese Pax Christi group are organising a prayer service in Leeds. It will take place outside Holy Trinity Church on Boar Lane – just two minutes walk from the train station.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of a time of repentance in the Church calendar and we will be praying for all those involved in nuclear war preparations to repent and have a change of heart. We also recognise that we can all do more to speak out about nuclear war preparations and to prayer to have the courage to carry on with our opposition.

ALL are welcome to join Pax Christi members outside Holy Trinity Church.

CAFOD Parliamentary Reception 2025
Mar 18 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Come to the Houses of Parliament with CAFOD on 18 March to speak to your MP about Pope Francis’s Jubilee message. It ends quite late so you would probably need to stay over in London – but, hey, make a mini-break out of it!

CAFOD logoCAFOD say about this event:

Pope Francis has called for us to be “signs of hope” this Jubilee year, urging us to push for rich governments to cancel debts “of countries that will never be able to repay them”.

That’s a message we need MPs to hear – and that’s why we want to invite you to share this call with your MP in the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday 18 March between 6:00pm-8:00pm at CAFOD’s parliamentary reception.

After you sign up, we’ll share tips on how to invite your MP to meet you at the reception and how to approach your conversation with them.

And if you’re able, join us at CAFOD’s London office at 4:00pm to discuss more about our campaign to cancel debt during the Jubilee year.

Places are limited, so register now to let us know you want to join us in Parliament on 18 March!

Use the button to sign up to attend

Sign up form

LiveSimply Day **SAVE THE DATE** @ Wheeler Hall
May 3 @ 10:30 am – 3:30 pm

LiveSimply is an award scheme managed by CAFOD. Parishes and schools submit a plan and work towards achieving 3 goals:

to Live more simply

to Live more sustainably

to Live more in solidarity with the poor.

Bishop Marcus commended the scheme in his pastoral letter during the Season of Creation in September 2024.

The scheme provides a motivating way to involve people of many differing interests and can help renew parish life as people collaborate on achieving the things set out in their plan.

This day event is for people from across the Diocese of Leeds to come together to explore what the scheme is about, hear from people who are in a LiverSimply parish, and to think more about what it could bring to their community.

(21 January 2025) More details will follow soon along with a link to sign up to come along.

NJPN 2025 Conference: Just Peace
Jul 25 @ 4:00 pm – Jul 27 @ 2:30 pm

NJPN logoThis is the Annual conference of the National Justice & Peace Network.

Full details are still to be made available. However, Dr Rowan Williams has already been booked and several workshops are known to be going ahead with several others still under discussion.

Never a cheap weekend! – but usually interesting and a unique annual opportunity to meet J&P supporters from across the country.

Updates will be made when they become available.

Aged 18-30? SPARK Social Justice will be offering sponsorship for a limited number of people. email if this is of interest.