CAFOD’s Live Simply Award scheme is starting to take off across the country and, slowly but surely, across the Leeds Diocese as well. Here are some brief updates on parishes in the Leeds Diocese who are working towards the award. What is stopping your parish from taking up the challenge to Live Simply? Good Shepherd […]
UK Poverty
18 Dec – Pilots of J&P Family Poverty Workshops Underway
The Commission has been trialling some materials funded by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and developed for us by Church Action on Poverty – a series of five workshops to examine aspects of family poverty in the UK and what more we can do about it. One pilot – covering the Skipton and […]
05 Sep – Family Poverty Parish Programme update
We are working with Church Action on Poverty to produce a series of 5 meetings to be undertaken in parish groups to explore issues of family poverty. We now have drafts of the materials and they are being reviewed by the Project Steering Group. We are hoping to try out the programme on a pilot […]
25 July – Family Poverty: Food bank Shortages and Holiday Hunger
As the long Summer holidays start and people go on holiday, contributions to foodbanks tend to dip. However, this is going on whilst, at the same time there is a year on year increase in the demands being made on foodbanks. Towards the end of June, the Leeds evening Post ran a story with information […]
12 Jun – Family Poverty Project update
As previously reported, the Commission has obtained a grant from the Society of the Holy Child Jesus to follow up our workshop about Family Poverty with a programme of small group meetings suitable for use in parishes and other small groups. We are delighted to announce that we are partnering with Church Action on Poverty […]
21 Mar – Family Poverty: A Diocese Acts – but only if you help!
The Commission are pleased to announce that we have received some funding from the Society of the Holy Child Jesus order for a follow up project to the Workshop about family poverty that we held in Bradford in February 2018. The idea behind the project is to examine the same issues we tackled in the […]
13-Feb Family Poverty: From Awareness to Action Workshop Report
This was the title of the workshop we held last Saturday in the Kala Sangam centre in the central Bradford. About 50 people turned up on a very wet morning to examine in some depth different aspects of family poverty and what is already being done and what more could be done. Liz Firth led […]