In December 2015, we went with a small number of people to Paris to encourage the nations meeting there to take climate change seriously. Even the Pope had written about its importance for humanity!
Now, 6 years later has any progress been made? In our churches or anywhere outside?
Once we get past the hype and the chatter, very little behaviour has changed either personal social or political.
Jesus said: ‘By their fruits you will know them’. Many individuals recycle, but don’t ask themselves if they needed the things in the first place. Many organisations have started to use renewable energy, such as our RC Diocese, but still invest in fossil fuels. Many governments such as the UK have wonderful targets for stopping global warming, but no concrete plans to implement them as fast as possible and in an effective manner.
Local Authorities such as the Council in Bradford have passed motions acknowledging the climate emergency, but with no urgent active measures afterwards.
No – it is not all doom and gloom, but we are in danger of living in our own fantasy that nothing fundamental has to change. Our church and ourselves – we can be part of changing that. For our world to change we only require a really active tiny minority of committed people to point the way forward – which is where Justice and Peace comes in! We are called to be prophets for our own time. Nothing less will do!
People walking together sends a powerful message calling for action. Pilgrimage, Camino, Haj and long marches have marked the need for determination and change, no less today when injustice, widespread poverty and planetary collapse can and must be overcome.
We ask all individuals, schools and school children, and all community organisations to add to this commitment of love and concern for nature, the planet and humanity.
We intend that this year will see an end to investment in fossil fuels by local pension funds, the greatest encouragement and support to switch from carbon-intensive transport and jobs to healthy, productive and caring work, and international agreements that not only proclaim the need to avert global warming but agree the emergency measures that will get us there. We believe we need net zero carbon emissions in Bradford by 2030.
We are organising a route from Baildon to Shipley to Bradford on the afternoon of Friday 17th September and welcoming festivities in Centenary Square. Some will walk from their own areas to meet up in Centenary Square.
To support the Climate Emergency Walk to Bradford and get involved in making it happen, contact David Somerville on 07581836275/ 01274493191 or email mollieanddavid@phonecoop.coop
Co-ordination by Shipley and Baildon Friends of the Earth and Bradford Global Justice Now and United People’s Movement and Free2B-me, Bradford One Spirit.
Timings: Baildon at 1.30 and Shipley at 3.15. We welcome everyone to join us at any point of the walk. Activities in Centenary Square from 5.00pm, such as dance, music, circle the town hall and Speakers’ Corner.