Trying to keep up with technology is not always easy (if you are over 35).

Since the end of January we have been dipping our toe in the podcasting world.

We currently have 4 podcasts that you can listen to on our Buzzsprout podcasting website. But don’t leave it too long before taking a look. As it is still early days in terms of judging the demand for J&P podcasts, we are using the free service that Buzzsprout offers. The limitation of this is that the podcasts are only available for 3 months.

At the moment there are 4 recordings available:-

Bishop John Arnold in discussion with our Chair, John Battle, about Laudato Si and what more each of use can do individually and what more we can do as Church.

The other three recordings are talks given by David McLoughlin at our Day of Reflection last October – about the role of prophecy and seeing the world with a prophetic imagination.

We will be uploading the Romero Lecture, given on 21 March at Leeds Trinity University, at some point over the next couple of weeks.

Take me to the Podcasts!