The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to listen and care for our common home. The “Celebration” begins 1 September, the Feast of Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations.
This season is a great time to celebrate God’s creation within your church community. For more information and ideas about what to do, use the button below.
At this event you can find out more about Caritas Leeds, how it links with Catholic Social Teaching and how people from across the Diocese can become involved in Social Action, taking positive action to make an impact on what Pope Francis refers to as “globalisation of indifference.”
During the day there will be presentations from organisations undertaking social action and also a market place setting where you will have access over lunch to gain more information, get some ideas for your own parish or even sign up to volunteer.
Our project SPARK Social Justice, working with younger Catholics, will be having a stall at this event.
This one day conference is the Northern conference in celebration of 40 years of CARJ (The Catholic Association for Racial Justice).
The conference will begin at 10am with arrivals and coffee/tea.
The Bishop of Salford will open the meeting and welcome people at 10.30am.
Keynote speakers will include Alison Lowe (Deputy Mayor of West Yorkshire).
There will be a complimentary lunch provided (So, please email CARJ using so they can properly plan for the number of people coming)
At 2.30pm there’ll be an item on CARJ’s ‘Agenda for change’ by Fr Phil Sumner, Parish Priest of Our Lady and St. Patrick’s Parish, Oldham
This agenda, building on experiences over the last 40 years, is intended to guide the efforts of CARJ, and all those of goodwill, to promote greater equality and to create a more racially just society.
After lunch there’ll be workshops, with the opportunity for different diocese’s /parishes in the north of England to present something of what they are doing for racial justice.
The Conference will conclude with Mass at around 3:15pm.
Anyone living or working in the Leeds Diocese will be able to claim public transport costs to and from Oldham. Simply email if you are interested in taking up this offer and we will send you the details.
This Zoom event has been organised by the Northern Dioceses Environment Group.
During this online meeting you will be able to hear from Salford diocese how the development of a diocesan environment policy has impacted on parishes and schools in the diocese.
There will also be the opportunity to hear what is happening on environmental issues in the other Northern Dioceses.
ALL Welcome. Just email and they will send you the Zoom link.
Could you advertise this event in your church?? – Use the button to download and print out a poster.
Every year we hold an extended Commission meeting to reflect on:
- the activities that we have undertaken,
- the current ‘signs of the times’
- where we can most effectively use our scarce resources of time and money over the course of the coming couple of years
- Do we need to adjust the way in which we work in the light of changing circumstances?
This year we will be including reflections from the Listening Events we have undertaken so far.
The venue is still to be confirmed.
Like all our Commission meetings, this meeting is open to anyone in the Diocese of Leeds to attend. If you would like to do so then please email and we will send you any papers or details needed nearer to the date of the meeting.
Come and hear the incredible story of a refugee family’s journey from Syria to Yorkshire.
This event is being organised to celebrate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees and is a joint event between SPARK Social Justice and Catholic Care Caritas.
There will be the opportunity to ask questions and also the opportunity to sample some Syrian food.
More Info & register to attend
Our next Day of Reflection is about helping us to reflect on God’s Creation.
- Creation-centred spirituality invites us to recognize our role within the ongoing evolution of the universe.
- Do we see ourselves as planetary beings, the latest expression of God’s continuing creation story?
- How can we nurture the flourishing of creation rather than its destruction?
With insights from cosmology, theology and church teaching as well as workshops, the day offers an opportunity to deepen understanding, re-focus energies, generate hope and inspire shared action.
The Evolution of love . . . ‘Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces.
The day will come when, after harnessing space, winds, the tide and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love.
And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered fire.’
Teilhard de Chardin
ALL are welcome and there is no charge to come to this event (but there will be a voluntary collection during the day). As with our other Days of Reflection, we ask people to bring some food for a shared lunch (nothing that needs to be cooked or heated up). These are usually a highlight and we have never yet had 20 quiches! Obviously, if you have dietary restrictions then this may not be possible.
All we do ask is that you please book a place using our Eventbrite page for this event so that we can properly plan for both refreshments and any materials that we might need to have for the day.
More Info & registration
Leeds Church Institute organise this lecture annually.
They always have interesting speakers. This year is no exception with the presentation being done by Richard Reddie, Director of Justice & Inclusion for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.