We have recently had some good news in respect of funding (for a change). The Diocese has agreed to provide £5,000 in this financial year and the following financial year to support our work.
On top of the grant from the Society of the Holy Child Jesus for the parish Family Poverty programme that we are developing, it means that we can start work on some additional projects as we move into the Autumn.
Equally important, this show of support for the work of Justice & Peace puts the Commission in a better position when seeking funding from external foundations and other organisations – it is often a stipulation that some level of matched funding is provided by the parent organisation.
photo of young plant growing out of a pile of coinsSome of the key work that we do is an ongoing level of communication about what is happening within our diocese or drawing your attention to things happening at a national or international level – principally through the website and newsletter. However, we have changed the way we work so that most of our activities are ‘projects’. By budgeting for each project separately we can more easily apply for external funding to support specific pieces of work.
In the current financial year, we are also expecting to receive around £1,500 in regular donations from individuals – up from £250 two years ago. We are very grateful for this show of support from a relatively small number of individuals within the diocese. Again, this level of financial support from individuals across the Diocese is important when applying for external funding.

Our Treasurer, Steve Higgins, comments, “In the last twelve months the finances of the Commission seem to have turned a corner. I am hopeful that our income might actually match our expenditure in the current financial year! Of course, if we had more then we could do more – so I would be delighted to hear from anyone else interested in setting up a standing order in favour of the Commission. You can download the form from our website. If you cannot commit to making a regular donation I am also very happy to receive one-off donations towards our work. Again, if you look on our website you will find our banking details to do an online transfer or you can always send a cheque to the Commission’s office at Hinsley Hall in Leeds.”