Leeds Cathedral
St Anne's Street
LS2 8Be
Today is International Conscientious Objectors Day and in this event there will be a showing of a film about young Israeli Conscientious Objectors.
To reflect on this we are holding a joint event with a short introductory presentation about conscientious objection in the UK. This will be followed by a showing of the film “Objector”, which is about a young Israeli woman who refuses to undertake national military service.
Doors will open at 6pm. Various Palestinian-related stalls will be available along with light refreshments and an exhibition about Conscientious Objection
At 6:30pm there will be an introductory presentation about Conscientious Objection by Rev Clive Barratt – author of Subversive Peacemakers.
After the film there will be a Q&A session. Technology permitting (!), we will have Atalya, the main person featured in the film, available via Zoom to answer questions. This discussion will be chaired by John Battle, Chair of the Commission.
What more could you ask for on a Monday evening?
This is a joint event between the J&P Commission, Pax Christi in the Leeds Diocese and the Leeds Palestinian Film festival Committee.